Autoupdate internal Links not working with Templater

Hey everyone,

I’ve learned today, that I can create notes directly in folder. :innocent:
I used it to apply a Templater template inside a folder from another note. But, waht confused me, that for one link the text was updated, for others not.

So, what I’ve done is, I created a template for a person and placed it inside folder.

# <% tp.file.title %> 
<% await tp.file.move("00-09 Meta/06 People/" +tp.file.title) %> 

When I now want to link a person I created a new note, I added the following

[[00-09 Meta/06 People/PersonA]]
[[00-09 Meta/06 People/PersonB]]

I"ve clicked on both and created the notes. For some reason, the first Link was updated and the second not.
Now it looks like:

[[00-09 Meta/06 People/PersonB]]

The complete path for the folder is: /ObsidianVault/00-09 Meta/06 People

Many thanks

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