Automatically download pictures to the attachment folder

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Use case or problem

when I found some good articles from the internet,I often pasted it into a obsidian note using typora, since typora have the funciton of copy the picture from internet links to a designated local folder like attachments and replace the link with relative path,so i wonder if obsidian could include this feature and allow the same feature to be realized through wikilinks. so that we don’t need to constantly switch between different software and endup with notes full of wikilinks contaminated with markdown links

Proposed solution

automatically download internet picture to local folder and replace the link in the main text with relative path

Related feature requests (optional)


Hi, I’ve made a python script for this purpose. I hope it helps.

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+1. In any case, if implemented, it would be convenient to be able to switch between downloading local images or not, with the typical switch button used by Obsidian.

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Thank you very much! , I am currently learning python but i haaven’t managed to make one.

I think that is a good feature that is very needed but it should have a button for every note, sometime it is just better to have only links, for saving storage space for example.

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You could use the MarkDownload browser plugin, which has an image downloading feature.


Thank you for sharing. I already have the plugin, but I can’t find the option to designate a picture storage folder.


I’m using Local Images plugin, which is available in the plugin directory and seems to work perfectly so far, even when it’s still in the early stages of development. You insert the image link with the syntax of an image then the plugin will automatically download the image into a specific folder and change the link to the new local location, for example in the /attachments folder.

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Thank you for suggesting the plugin, I have tried it a couple of times, and it works for some times but it’s not stable enough for regular use

For anyone late for this party:

I’ve been using this plugin, and it’s been delivering exactly what I was hoping for.
It lets you transform all those linked images into local ones.


Happy Obsiding


Possible to keep external URL link even when downloading images to local computer? · Issue #36 · Sergei-Korneev/obsidian-local-images-plus (