Automated MOCs - My (slightly whimsical) automated-ish setup (I hate how bloated the backlinks function is)

Obsidian’s potential for organization and linking:

I really like how Obsidian MOCs allow you the flexibility of links and the structure of folders so you can look at things from a bottom-up and top-down perspective depending on the need. Some great Obsidian Youtubers have put out amazing content on MOCs, so it inspired me to make my own spin on it.

A personal issue with Obsidian’s “limitations”:

I wondered how people always know what files belong in a MOC, because I find the backlinks functionality unusable. I type so much that certain keywords show up and give me a backlog of hundreds of backlinks. And the fact that I can’t go through each instance and either accept useful backlinks, leave semi-useful backlinks, or hide useless backlinks (for example, links from URLs) means I end up with way too many backlinks to realistically sort through and make good MOCs from. This feature suggestion (and this one, too) would solve the backlinks issue.

Another issue is just a personal quirk of mine. I apparently don’t create many internal links, which means MOCs don’t always show up organically. However, I do have specific topics of interest which I know will eventually become MOCs. I guess I’ll call them “proto-MOCs”.

My solution to my gripes:

I’m using dataview queries in conjunction with the templater plugin to find files that are related to a given proto-MOC. I can then process each link. If I think the link is relevant, I can manually link it, and that suggested link will disappear from the dataview query. If I think the link is irrelevant, I can mark it as irrelevant, and that suggested link will also disappear from the dataview query. Now I can truly look at just the links that need to be sorted!

In addition, I use a modified version of the Johnny Decimal system, so if I find that a file is relevant specifically to a proto-MOC, I can rename it with the appropriate ID. This is also theoretically compatible with infinite Luhmann’s Zettle ID if you append the JD ID with that sort of alternating alphanumeric stuff.

I’m using a central directory of proto-MOCs, based on the Johnny Decimal system:

In the callout labeled “Sommelier”, you can see that files that matched the query. In the callout labeled “Cabinet”, you can see the files that were already processed, as well as a inline JS counter of how many files were processed.

I decided that "101.003 Dataview belonged to “whites” because it exclusively relates to Obsidian. (Though I suppose I could have renamed it to “101.003a Dataview” to be more in-line with Luhmann). I added “obsidian MOCs” to “whites” for the same reason, and I also renamed it to the JD ID. I also decided “zettlekasten with obsidian” belonged to “reds” because it fits into another proto-MOC I have. Note how the counter and the Sommelier automatically update.

I then excluded “formation of obsidian glass” using metadata

Here is the dataview query I used for my proto-MOCs

Here is the template I used for my proto-MOCs

Here is a sub-note and its template (the sommelier needs manual editing of the KEYWORDs, and the summary needs to be filled out. Although this could probably be automated with YAML, I didn’t want to do that for some reason, probably because the YAML was already getting too cluttered)

The weakness of this workaround:

This workaround is limited because it has limited information. It only searches the file titles rather than the entire body of the file, which majorly reduces the number of possible returned queries. So I’m not going to be able to find every single occurance of relevant keywords. I rely on metadata, so I have to consciously think of keywords that might be relevant. Also, I am unable to make the query search for multiple keywords without making extra keyword fields (e.g. keyword1, keyword2 etc). I’m sure there’s a way around this but I don’t know how to do it. One way would be to use tags, but I want to minimize tag clutter and use it for things that I find especially relevant.


I wanted to post an updated version of my templates. I was inspired by the upper and lower cases aliases post as well as just some more playing around.

The updated templates will:

  • automatically query for more varied relevant information and will accommodate for different aliases (but only upper and lower cases aliases based on the titles)
  • automatically query for files that are related to the number IDs (so if you were using the Luhmann appending ID, this would automatically detect.
    • for example, if you have a file that is called “420.69 dank memes” and you also have a file that is called “420.69a where is the nearest 24-7 convenience store”, both files should detect each other.

L1 are proto-MOCs

L2 are sub-notes

For L2 summary KEYWORD1 and KEYWORD2, you need to manually input them into the query.

Also, be aware that the .slice() function will need to be adjusted to your individual use case. The numbers I used only apply to the specific number ID configuration that I personally use.

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You could use the fuzzy search offered by the Obsidian Query Language plugin:

It uses Fuse to provide a very functional fuzzy search API. You can then query the full text of your notes without having to rely on tags.

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Thanks for the recommendation! The problem I see is I would have to use folders, if I understand correctly. And I don’t use folders. I’ve already set up the system in such a way that it’s completely automated as long as I use the naming convention I already use, since the templater function automatically generates the needed tags. Definitely a plugin to consider, but my workflow has already found a solution that works!

You had said:

Obsidian Query Language is nothing at all to do with folders. It’s a way for you to search the entire body of your files.

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Thanks! I’ll need to ceck it out!