Autocomplete title suggestions when creating a new note

Ok, edited the FR title for clarity

Since this request partially deals with avoiding notes with duplicate names, I wanted to link this feature request: Warning: Note with same name exists in another folder


.theme-light, .theme-dark { 
	--link-unresolved-color: var(--color-yellow); 
	--link-unresolved-opacity: 0.7; 
	--link-unresolved-filter: none; 
	--link-unresolved-decoration-style: dotted; 
	--link-unresolved-decoration-color: var(--color-yellow); 

@Allcry Glad the CSS worked out.

I edited your post and put it in a code block for you. Hope that’s fine.

For next time, have a look at the Forum use and formatting tips for posting code in the forum. For CSS, you can surround the code on a line above and below with ``` to make it

look like this


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This would be great :+1:

When inputting a note title, Obsidian should search across all unresolved links in the vault and show suggestions that match the input, much like the auto-suggester when you input [[ in note but for unresolved links only.

Unresolved link will appear in the Quick switcher (if the relevant setting is enabled) or in the modal that opens when you press “Go to file” on the new tab page but:

  1. You need to remember to always create new notes this way, which is easy to forget.
  2. It also searches for existing notes, which makes unresolved links easier to miss or mistake for resolved links.