Auto-load Note on Startup

Use case or problem

I have a note that I would like automatically loaded into view every time Obsidian launches.
This would replace any other note that was remembered the last time app was closed.
I would like this on both desktops and mobile.

I am not comfortable with using community apps (there is a plugin for this feature), so this would be a much needed feature for me.

Proposed solution

Simply add an option to the settings that you can specify what file you want loaded at startup.

Current workaround (optional)

No work around, must manually go to my file and open it.

Related feature requests (optional)



This is a good request. But you said no workaround, and I can think of two, if this helps you in the meantime:

  1. If you don’t use Daily Notes, and you want a weird hacky workaround for the time being, this could work:

You can set your daily note template to the name of a note, instead of a proper template. And then turn on “Open daily note on startup”, and it will always jump to that note.

But you can’t enter letters directly in the template.

So if you want to go to the note “My Default Note”, you would need to use backslashes. It would look like this with a backslash before each character:

\M\y\ \D\e\f\a\u\l\t\ \N\o\t\e

  1. You can launch Obsidian with an Obsidian URL. (How you do this depends on your OS.)


I know how to get the Obsidian URI… but how to I use it launch that uri on startup?

@Fwhilton As has been said before:

Thus, if you expect further help, give us some more information. Or search the web how to establish custom launchers for your OS.

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Windows 10 and iPad 15

Use case or problem

Let’s say I have a main note that I use as a folder structure. It would be useful to always start from this main note.

Proposed solution

Allow us to open a specific note on obsidian startup.

Current workaround (optional)

Obsidian link to desktop but the shortcut icon looks ugly and I can’t find a way to change it (mac)

There’s a plugin for this too but it’s always better to have a smaller threat circle

That makes sense. If you search the Community Plugins for the Homepage plugin, you will find that it accomplishes what you are looking for. Its description reads, “Open a specified note at startup.” It can be useful to know that when searching for Community Plugins, it also queries the descriptions. Good luck.

(Please search for existing Feature Requests before adding a new one. Merged here.)

I still think this is a good request. It would be great to be able to specify this.

AND, I can think of yet another workaround/hack for the use-case you said. It sounds like you have a note designed as a set of links to other notes?

You can add a note in a side pane. And then you can set it to Reading mode, and pin that note. Thus, you’ll always have a pane in your sidebar that has that “folder structure”.

Personally, I have a pinned note that has a dataview query for my most recently edited notes in the past 20 days. When the note is pinned, clicking on any of those links opens the note in the main editor. This could easily be a table-of-content / MOC set of links.

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