I have a number of templates for different types of items; each template has multiple properties and I use selection lists for some properties so I don’t have to re-type things. For example, for a ‘Vehicle’ template I might have ‘Manufacturer’ with a list of Ford, Chevy, Tesla, etc., a ‘Make’ property, a ‘Model’ property and a ‘Year’ property, etc. When I fill out the properties by selecting the appropriate values I’d like to have the note’s title automatically generated using the selected values - e.g. ‘2013 Toyota FJ Cruiser AB’
Things I have tried
Nothing - I’m not sure how to start. I’ve reviewed multiple core and community plugins but I can’t find anything that meets my specific requirements.
But how do get to the point where you have a “2013 Toyota FJ Cruiser”. Do you call first one template to select the “Toyota”, then afterwards select another template to choose the model/make, “FJ Cruiser”, and then another to select the year, “2013”? Are these three independent operations, or do you just call one template, Templates/CarSelection.md, to do all of the sub selections?
The reason I’m asking is that the solution do depend on how you actually do this in your document. Different methods, require different tools.
Apologies for my earlier misunderstanding - I would like to have multiple different templates, each of which would generate the note’s title based only on parameters contained within each template. For example, a ‘vehicle’ template would have multiple parameters such as make, model, year, and when that template is applied to a note and the parameters selected or filled in, the note’s title would be auto-generated. A different template may have different parameters and generate the note’s title based on those different parameters. Each template would be self-contained in regards to parameters and title generation.