Auto expand Unlinked mentions

It would be nice for Unlinked mentions to automatically expand when I open a note which has backlinks.
This way I’ll know if I manually have to link it instead of clicking dropdown arrow to check if there are unlinked notes.

Or Maybe hide Unlinked mentions when there are no unlinked notes?

Please consider one of these options.

Thank you!


Or even a number next to it.

Ie Unlinked Mentions (4)


Please! When Unlinked mentions is folded you can not even see - if there is something inside it?

Second this!

There is a reason why this is not expanded automatically (if I’m not mistaken), and that is to detect these a full file scan of the entire vault is needed. This is not a cheap operation, and would substantially slow down the experience of using Obsidian.

It’s much better (in most cases) to have this unexpanded, and brought into action when you actually need to review the unlinked mentions.