Things I have tried
Hello and good morning!
Bulk restore deleted files from within obsidian (failed)
What I’m trying to do
I had a bunch of images in my vault (~150) and a couple of screen recording videos, that have been there for months, but I’ve recently realised they’ve all gone, everything was in an “attachments” folder, then linked to from other notes. According to the built in file restore menu within Obsidian, I deleted them, via my phone, at a couple of different points in the last few months. I’m totally up for it being user error, I no doubt installed a plugin that did it without realising (confirm file deletion is now definitely set to on!). The bulk restore thing failed to restore them. BUT, they do all still show up on my published site. Is there a way to sort of “reverse publish” them, and have my local vault pull them all back in? I’ve got active Sync and Publish subscriptions, if that makes any difference. Main concern is that next time I hit the publish button, it’s gonna think “Oh, you deleted all these files, off the site you go!”