[ASK] How to automatically add timestamp to Title for New Note in Android?

Hey everyone,

I’m new to the Obsidian world and could really use some tips and best practices from you all.

What I’m trying to do

I’ve been exploring some amazing templates and I’m currently using Bramses’ Highly Opinionated Vault 2023 as my base template. It works perfectly on my PC and Mac, but I’m having trouble creating new files on Android.

Whenever I create a new file on my PC or Mac, it gets generated in the Inbox with a timestamp in the title.

However, it doesn’t seem to work the same way on Android—the default title is just “Untitled.”

Things I have tried

I’ve tried changing the configuration, but I can’t seem to make it work on Android. The default new note title just won’t change.

This is my Unique Note Creator config

and this is my Templater config

Any advice or solutions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Is Unique note creator enabled on mobile? I don’t think it is by default.

As it’s not working on Android, I’d share the screenshots of your settings from mobile as well. Maybe someone can spot something.

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Thanks for checking!

Yes, it is enabled. Any other thing I should check?

How do you create the a “unique note” on your Android device ? :thinking:

Through the command palette ?
If yes, are you sure you’re using the command Unique note creator: Create new unique note ? (as opposed to the command Create new note)

What I find strange here (:thinking:), is that the new note is Untitled on creation… whereas even if you don’t set up the core plugin Unique note creator in Obsidian’s settings, as long as it’s enabled, it should work out of the box (as Obsidian has a default value for the date/time format to use as the title of the new note (YYYYMMDDHHmm)).
At least, this has been my experience with that core plugin :innocent: .

I realise this is exactly why you’re asking for help :sweat_smile: (as you get an Untitled new note vs. a Timestamped one) … But that would be the expected result of using the command Create new note (instead of Unique note creator: Create new unique note) :blush: .



It seems like a “regular” new note is being created and Unique note creator isn’t being triggered.

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This is just a “hunch”/shot in the dark :smile:
But I would think that if something was fundamentally wrong with the Unique note creator core plugin, it wouldn’t silently fail and simply create a classical Untitled note without any warning/message :woman_shrugging: (I could be wrong though :sweat_smile: )

Umm, sorry I don’t understand the “command” part.

I create new a note on my phone by clicking this button

and this is the new note I get on my phone

and this is the Zettel template

If I create a new note on Mac or PC, this is what I get

How do you create a new timestamped note on desktop ? :thinking:

I’m asking because the button shown in your 1st screenshot is the equivalent of the Create new note (a classical one named Untitled on creation and created in the folder set for Default location for new notes in Obsidian’s settings) … but not a timestamped one (created through the Unique note creator core plugin)


^ This.

Tapping this icon:

is the same as the default command Create new note; it’s set to Cmd/Ctrl + n by default.

Tapping on this won’t trigger Unique note creator.


Ah I see the problem now…

My shortcut is cmd+n to create unique new note, works well on laptop

I tried to add a mobile Quick Action and I got a new note with expected template

How do I change this button to ‘Create new unique note’?

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I don’t think you can :no_mouth: … But you might be able to add a button in the Explorer triggering Unique note creator: Create new unique note using the Commander community plugin :innocent:


Thanks, sir Pch!

This workaround is ok.

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