Apple Pencil & scribble missing spaces

I’m new to Obsidian. Scribble seems to intermittently switch to camelCase for translation. No spaces between words and each word starts with a capital.

Resetting the iPad had no effect

This seems not to occur in MS word

Steps to reproduce

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]

Expected result

Actual result


Additional information


I have the same issue

Have there been any findings yet in terms of how to fix this? I used to love taking notes on my iPad for meetings or on the go, but Obsidian is giving me so many issues that I might just have to start writing in the default notes app and copy-pasting into my vault after

As painful as this bug is, it’s oddly comforting to know I’m not the only one experiencing this. Wish I was smart enough to help find a solution :weary::weary:

It would be great to see scribble with apple pencil work in obsidian. I tested it with Logseq which works without any issues, so I am thinking this is some bug with obsidian.


I’ve had to resort to taking notes in Apple Notes then copy & paste into Obsidian, which is pretty daft.

Please can support for Apple Pencil be added to the Roadmap for Obsidian


I am having this issue as well and in my case I seem to experience it when scribbling above a heading.
If I had one extra line between where I am entering my text and the heading below it then text input behaves normally.