Any way to use Draft, Bear or any other app other than 1writer to capture notes to obsidian?

Hey guys, I’m new here and looking for ways to create notes on the go using any markdown app like bear or draft. I know the way to do this via 1writer but I prefer utilizing apps I already use.

The idea is to create a note with an app to trigger new note in obsidian.
looking forward for your help.

Any app that can look at synced Markdown files on iOS can be used in tandem with Obsidian on macOS. So, if Bear provides e.g., Dropbox syncing, just point both apps at the same files and you should be good to go.

Drafts is a different story, as it intentionally does not provide file system access for its files—a fact that has long broken my heart. However, it would be trivial to create actions to save Drafts text into the repository you use for your Obsidian notes.

The beauty of 1Writer is that it recognizes almost identical syntax as Obsidian, so you can use both apps in pretty much the same way. I’m not sure if that’s true for Bear or Drafts.


bear is not like 1writer with obsidian. looks like I’ll give 1writer a shot.
Thanks :slight_smile:

I use Drafts with action: save to iCloud Drive + hazel to move to my vault. easy.

Sorry to necro this thread.

Is there a markdown editor for android with a quick capture widget that can create .md files in my Obsidian vault?

I wish to capture ideas and save it in my vault, in under a second or less

This wouldn’t be necessary if Obsidian opened under a second, but every time I open obsidian on my phone after 10-15m it shows the annoying ‘loading cache, plugin, etc’ page.

Right now, I am using the ‘Quick add’ in microsoft todo feature-- which is quick. I can swipe down and click a widget and type any ideas. But shifting it from microsoft’s app to obsidian is a dull job.

I’m not sure — I haven’t used Android since 2010! Tasker, maybe?

Probably better to create a new topic about this, though.

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