Android: Support the Storage Access Framework

If I’m not mistaken the Android api provides a generic framework for accessing files in various external providers such as the much requested Google Drive.

Personally, I have a remote folder mounted through another app into this framework that I have been using for markdown notes for years. I currently use a very simple (maybe too simple) text editor app to edit these files but I think Obsidian would provide a much better experience.

The current workflow is to use a timer based sync app like FolderSync and I understand that this can provide some benefits but I think there could also be options that provide some seamless access to external markdown files without having to write code for a bunch of independent providers.


I would also love to see this! It would work well with Nextcloud, too.

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Hi, I am totally new to Obsidian and was looking on sync features beside the obsidian sync. While I understand that Obsidian has to make money somehow, I would prefer to have my own sync mechanisms in place. So I was stumbling about this feature request. Since this is quite a while open, I would love to understand if there are any plans to implement Android SAF which gives me the opportunity to use Nextcloud, DAVx5, etc.

I think this would give folks more options for sync. For example, I use git-annex to manage my attachments in org-mode, ATM. That works on desktop, and on Android, via termux.

While I am considering switching to Obsidian, I would not leave all of my attachments behind, and would not relish the thought of migrating all of them to sync, only to then run in to Sync’s storage limitation!

I would want this for storing my obsidian vault in an encrypted folder managed by anemo, because I’m a bit uncomfortable with how many apps on android just request all files access and therefore have access to my private notes.

See the discussion on this for logseq: Use Storage Access Framework for best privacy & compatibility - Feature Requests - Logseq