I had to (factory) reset my mobile phone (Android 8.0.0), and now newly installed the Obsidian app (1.7.7) from the Play Store. However, when I try to open the app, first the logo appears but then I only get a black/dark grey screen, and nothings happens.
Before the factory reset, Obsidian was working perfectly on my phone. I use Obsidian Sync to sync with my laptop (on the laptop everything is still working fine). Just one remote vault, containing only markdown notes so far (no other types of files, no attachments).
After the factory reset, I manually copied the folder of my synced remote vault on my phone (from a manual back-up), in order to at least have access to some important notes using a text file viewer app - but that shouldn’t be any problem at the moment I guess?
I did not remove or ‘un-sync’ the vault in the Obisidian app on my phone before I performed the factory reset, I don’t know whether that might be a problem (I don’t know whether it is possible to remove a ‘lost’/‘old’ sync device using a different device? couldn’t find anything about this).
Things I have tried
Uninstalled the app and again installed it. (and of course: restarted my phone)
Updated installed appearance and community plugins (on my laptop, where Obsidian is working fine).
Tried installing the Obsidian app from direct apk file (not play store)
Checked whether I can install and launch other apps on my phone: yes, so seems to be specific problem with Obsidian.
I searched the help section and the forum but couldn’t find anything helpful (search terms: android/app not working, not launching, remove sync device). I’m rather new to Obsidian, and first time I run into problems, but am searching the forum for quiet some time now for any help.
I hope someone can help, glad about any help! Very annoying to not have access to my notes on my phone…
Thanks so much!
Every vault has an invisible folder within, called .obsidian where Obsidian stores its preferences, together with the folders for plugins, themes and CSS snippets .
Use a file browser able to display invisible files (usually an option in a decent file browser). Enter your vault, enter the invisible folder .obsidian then zip your preferences in there, to have a backup of your old settings. Next delete all your preference files (except your zip and the folders with your theme, CSS, plugins)
Restart Obsidian and check if Obsidian works again as expected. You’ll lose your custom settings, but Obsidian will work again. I don’t know what settings are broken, so my suggestion to delete all your preferences.
Thanks so much for helping out!
I tried it, but did not work unfortunately. I also tried zipping/removing the whole vault before launching Obsidian, but didn’t help either.
As stated above, the problem started after I first installed Obsidian on my phone again (after resetting it), so actually I would be surprised if the problem lies in the vault (that I copied manually to my phone). But then still I am not too familiar with how Obsidian exactly works, so not sure.
If I remove the folder of my vault on my phone (so not Obsidian related files on my phone anymore - at least I think so), and then re-install Obsidian, it should at least launch normally, right? But even that doesn’t happen: first the Obsidian logo appears, then the screen turns black.
I’d discourage from extreme measures like factory resets and uninstalling apps.
Please ask on the forums for help before you take such steps, for your sanity too. Technology can engage and enrage as well.
Since smart phones are mini computers nowadays, phones becomes increasingly more “difficult” to control.
Basically, if you remove the preferences of a application, an app is forced to fall back on (good) old defaults - and defaults just work. There’s no need to uninstall apps, if you want default app behavior.
You can reset app cache too.
Check these steps:
Did you upgrade your phone ? Factory resets degrade your phone and most new software won’t run anymore or runs with errors on your “old” phone operating system. If possible, try to install android 10. Consider to get a new phone if your phone becomes too slow because of newest upgrades.
Also, make sure to have the latest Webview component, this component is critical for all kind of interface/ graphic elements on screen.
Ah yes, the Webview update solved the problem!
Thanks so much!!
(still strange that I had to update that one manually.)
Completely agree regarding factory resets and uninstalling apps.
The factory reset was before the above Obsidian problem, it was not a way to try solving it. I had other, more serious problems with my phone (crashing, battery problems, wifi not working etc.), and after trying many things, the reset was the last thing left to try (and the support of the phone brand recommended it).
And trying to uninstall the Obsidian app was in fact something that was recommended on the Obsidian help website or here on the forum for cases of Obsidian crashing - but I guess now that this wasn’t the same as my problem.