Android Landscape View Bug

Greetings everybody!

First things first: dear developers, thank you for Obsidian, it is a fascinating thing you made. Much love!

When I switch Obsidian to the horizontal view on my Google Pixel 6 Pro… it becomes almost unusable :frowning: A very ugly grey line on the side + lines on top and down of the screen makes the actual render of the app much smaller than the screen. And the whole experience of using it in horizontal view is horrible because of this.

For me the horizontal view is critical, because I use the phone with keyboard and mouse as a wanna-be-laptop.

Please, guys, fix this! Thank you so much for your attention!

At least you can make the grey line not grey, but the same color as the theme! It will do the job

I think the only thing that can be done is make the line not grey.

Also please we have a bug report template, next time follow it. thanks!

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Sure thing, will do. Thank you, sir! God bless

Already reported last year: Android - Black bar in landscape mode

This bug seems to be a difficult one.