An Obsidian-powered Keyboard for iOS that allows to find pages and paste a WikiLink or Markdown link into the current textfield outside Obsidian


Use case or problem

With the many “one-way” integrations that Obsidian offers - Readwise, Zotero, Notion, Roam and others - it is important to be able to create links to existing notes at the “source”. That is, to add a WikiLink or Markdwon Link in a different programme or website than Obsidian which will later be synced back to Obsidian and enrich its link-substrate[1].

This is no issue on Obsidian Desktop where third party solutions offer different ways to get a WikiLink or Markdown Link of a note copied over to the Clipboard. For example, Alfred on MacOS will load Obsidian vaults and will let the user quickly copy links to notes in either Syntax, to be pasted elsewhere.

On iOS, this is not possible though, and one has to switch back and forth and battle with the occasional Obsidian “reload”. This is time-consuming, and at times frustrating, if one wants to quickly increase the link density in a vault.

Proposed solution

It would be nice (awesome) if Obsidian offered an iOS Keyboard which the use could switch to, search for a note and paste the link as keyboard text.

Alternatively, an option to call-up a share sheet which allows to do the same could be an option, but it would indeed be a bit awkward.

Or, being very creative and obscure, Obsidian could pose as “Password provider” which would allow to search and paste note links via that mechanism.

(And while we’re at it: instead of only posting links to notes, the deluxe version would be to be able to find blocks and link / embed them via the same mechanism).

  1. This obviously has some drawbacks, namely that a change in the note’s filename will break the links to the notes created / updated by an integration. Unless real two-way sync is implemented for these integrations, this is difficult to avoid, whatever the approach. ↩︎