Alternative solution to nesting synced vaults & sharing content across separate vaults

I got to this solution by combining suggestions from other threads, I’m just doing a success story and how-to post.

:fast_forward: TLDR: multiple config folders, shared vault. Bonus: different settings for desktop/mobile too.

  • Under the hood there’s only 1 vault. But as far as my user experience on my laptop, I effectively have several different vaults open at the same time that happen to all be synced together.

Trigger warning: Annoying repetition of my new word “pseudo-vault”. :grin:

  • Normally, “vault” refers to both the specific folder of markdown files/notes saved somewhere and the Obsidian UI using those notes (the Obsidian program editor/window for a given collection of notes). In this alt solution, I use the same notes-vault but create new UI-vaults (ie work vs personal). I’m calling the new UI-vault a “pseudo-vault” bc in my mind it’s a fake, “new” notes-vault.
  • Regarding Obsidian-Sync’s vault limit, there is only 1 vault, the shared notes-vault. It’s just happens to be used simultaneously on different devices & different UI-vaults.

:thinking: Why would anyone want nested vaults?

  • Share content between separate vaults. Various odd use-cases for this odd situation.
    • For me, I was duplicating knowledge I’m learning about coding in my work and personal vaults bc I code for work & as a personal hobby, and they were very fractured. I share the personal vault with my spouse to collaborate financial/planning/etc notes we each want to reference in our separate personal notes, so simply merging my work vault into the shared vault would add too many irrelevant notes and note-link-suggestions for his personal notes.

:x: Problems/risks with nesting synced vaults

  • Seems to be that links from parent vault to child vault work great, but links from child vault to parent vault can cause problems when editing/creating/accidentally duplicating notes from child vault.
  • Using different templates and each using the periodic/calendar plugins, we want our own automated templates.
  • Search the forum for “nested synced folders” for more, smarter answers

:man_facepalming: Caveats of this solution

  • Single combined vault = bigger vault size. Obsidian Sync has a size-limit.
  • Unique Obsidian config folders for each device means themes/plugins/settings are unique to each device. I have to duplicate plugin and setting changes.
  • Requires separate folders in the synced vault for each device/pseudo-vault. Each pseudo-vault creates files in different folders so we don’t cause problems with duplicate note names.
    • Shared content (ie: my coding notes) explicitly live in my personal subfolder, so that if I ever change jobs, I can archive my work folder and make a new one for the new job. All the general coding notes stay on the synced vault.
    • Links for shared content should go one direction for future-proofing, ie, use links in my work notes to the actual notes living in my personal.
  • Still not a solution for live collaboration. We never work on the same file at any given time.

:trophy: Result:

  • 1 vault (collection of all notes) that is synced (via Obsidian Sync). It has 3 key subfolders: 1) spouse’s folder. 2) my personal folder. 3) my work folder.
  • 3 pseudo-vaults, one for each of the above.
    • His pseudo-vault also excludes the syncing of my work folder so it doesn’t clutter his experience. (Note: After adding to the Obsidian-Sync exclude list be sure to restart the app.)
    • Each pseudo vault creates new notes in it’s corresponding subfolder.
    • Bonus: we made extra subfolders for explicitly shared content, like home management & finances. We only live collab on these by editing together on one laptop.
  • 3 config folders would work perfectly, but we’re extra and wanted separate mobile/desktop experiences for each pseudo-vault.
    • In actuality, we have 6 config folders. Effectively 2 configs for each pseudo-vault. Many of the same settings, but different themes & plugins. My desktop plugins were making Obsidian on my phone sloooooow.
  • I now keep entirely separate “Work” & “Personal” UI-vaults open at the same time, they share content, but with different colors, plugins, settings, workspaces, calendars, etc according to how I use that pseudo-vault…

:memo: Quick How-To:

  • From your main vault (new or exisisting), create top level folders for each pseudo-vault. ex: Josh Personal, Josh Work & Spouse Personal
  • Find and duplicate existing config folder. It’s a hidden folder named .Obsidian in every vault’s top level folder. Use a file explorer & “show hidden files” to see it.
  • Name copied config folder according to use or “device”. For example, I have .Obsidian.josh-personal & .Obsidian.josh-personal-mobile for my personal pseudo-vaults.
    • I think each config folder has to use the .Obsidian.xxxx format for Obsidian to recognize it properly. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong
  • As of Obsidian v1.5.3, go to SettingsFiles and links look for the Override config folder setting.
    • enter the name of the new config folder. Ex: obsidian.josh-personal
    • Close and restart Obsidian

:tada: You are now using a pseudo-vault, changing settings will not affect any other device using a different config folder.
:exclamation: Change these settings for this pseudo-vault:

  • Files and linksFolder to create new notes in to desired subfolder
  • Files and linksDefault location for new attachments to anything inside that subfolder

:exclamation:Repeat steps for every other pseudo-vault or device desired. After restarting obsidian, Open a new vault synced to the exact same vault you just used, but give it a different name & change the Override config folder to the config folder you made for this pseudo-vault.

  • Copy notes into new psuedo-vault & test that it’s working as expected before deleting old vaults.
  • Optional: Point any plugins and templates to folders inside the new subfolder.
    • ex: I use 2 different calendars and each pseudo-vault manages its own caledar in it’s own subfolder. They have their own templates and I use them very differently.
  • In my case, we use Obsidian-Sync with a shared account.
    • For each new pseudo-vault, Choose Open vault from Obsidian Sync → connect to the initial vault used, create a new Vault name for this pseudo-vault.
    • Should basically be the same with any other instant-syncing service.

:exclamation::exclamation::exclamation: REPEATED WARNING: Never edit the same file from different pseudo-vaults simultaneously!! Or you’re living on the edge and risking data loss. You do you.


@JahTeo thank you for posting this. I have a similar use case as you and am trying to get my own synced vault configured in this manner.

If you are using Obsidian Sync, are you supposed to create all of the overriden config folders before you choose Open vault from Obsidian Sync for each pseudo-vault? I have the main vault synced, and an overriden config folder for each pseudo-vault in the original location, but if I then try to use Open vault from Obsidian Sync for each pseudo-vault, the overriden config folders are not there in the new location that arises from pulling the synced vault.

Perhaps I am reading these directions wrong? Based on how I am following the directions, it would seem that this solution leads to the same vault in multiple spots on the same computer, as you use Open vault from Obsidian Sync for each pseudo-vault. Just using this tidbit to determine if I’m understanding your solution right.

Thanks for your help!