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Steps to reproduce
Problem 1
Create a note name that ends in a right-square-bracket:
test results [version 3]
Now create a link to that note using [[ and selecting from list.
Link does not work because it cannot be parsed correctly. Hover over the link:
“test results [version 3” is not created yet
Note the loss of the ending bracket
Problem 2
Create a note with a number-sign (#):
test results version #three
Now create a link to that note using [[ and selecting from list.
Link does not work because it cannot be parsed correctly. Hover over the link:
“test results version #three” is not created yet.
Problem 3
Create a note name with a pipe:
test using either a | b
Link name is incorrectly aliased to “b”, and link does not work because it cannot be parsed correctly. Hover over the link:
“test using either a” is not created yet.
Problem 4
Try to create a note name with a colon to force display of the character restrictions:
“File name cannot contain any of the following characters: : / /”
This is confusing; not sure why forward slash is listed twice, and is visually confusing to list colon as first, after colon as part of sentence grammar.
Expected result
Links should work, and display properly.
The character restriction notice should be clearer.
Actual result
Links broken.
Character restriction notice is odd.
- Operating system: Linux Mint 20.1
- Obsidian version: 0.11.0
Additional information
These special characters were previously not allowed in note names. Purely just my opinion, but if allowing them was intentional, it’s a bad idea. If a part of the design philosophy of Obsidian is that our notes are our own, and we can work with them outside of Obsidian, allowing special characters in file name will create unexpected issues. Even if the parsing is fixed, it will likely cause users problems outside of Obsidian, getting the escaping right, and other tools may not be as receptive to these characters.