As a new user attempting to learn Obsidian, when I attempt to navigate, I have constantly found myself looking to the folder structure at left to orient myself. As stated multiple places, in a flat organization structure (workflow model), the active note is highlighted indicating “where this note lives”. This only occurs when the note is at the root, or the parent folder is open, when a note is inside a closed folder, there seems to be no indication whatsoever. I would find it helpful to simply highlight the folder in which the active note is located.
I will be installing the the Show Current File Path plugin from @mashruravi to see if a path breadcrumb solves my problem.
Personally, I’m still exploring what model/workflow to use to organize my notes, but I think the fact this feature is not as obviously necessary to the community leads me to believe most folks really are keeping rather flat workflows AKA not using many folders and certainly not using sub-folders.
So, my use case is downloading various example vaults and trying to learn how Obsidian works. The challenge I have is figuring out where I am and the feeling is disorienting. (I’m open to the idea that I’m just carrying “navigation baggage” from other applications). But I also imagine that having a note’s path indicated in the folder structure would be helpful if reorganizing from one workflow model to another: PARA, IMF, LYT etc.
#breadcrumb #path #indicator #workflow