Use case or problem
I am documenting a media archive and assign one note per recording. In the note, I am identifying individual media clips from within the recording, and assigning respective dates, durations, and start and end times. When a given clip takes place on the same date as another clip, I would like to be able to assign the same date value for that clip. Unfortunately, Obsidian recognizes the non-unique value, and wants me to change the value.
- 1990-08-26
- 1990-08-27
- 1990-08-31
- 1990-09-02
- 1990-09-04
- 1990-09-04
- 1990-09-05
- 1990-09-05
- 00:00:00.000
- 00:26:34.876
- 00:34:01.005
- 00:44:31.770
- 01:25:10.026
- 01:33:50.443
- 02:00:57.334
- 02:04:31.974
- 00:26:34.876
- 00:34:01.005
- 00:44:31.770
- 01:25:10.026
- 01:33:50.443
- 02:00:57.334
- 02:04:31.974
- 02:04:50.283
Proposed solution
Permit non-unique values in a list property type.
Current workarounds
- Include times in the date values (unfortunately, I do not have time info for the majority of the media clips)
- Prepend/append arbitrary characters or other values to the values (breaks the date, looks strange)
- Scrap the one-note-per recording idea and use a one-note-per-clip system instead (clashes with how I would prefer to organize my data, creates more work)