Allow multiple (two or more) daily notes with different templates

I would want to have at least 2 daily notes - one for my work and one for my personal chores/ramblings. Right now, I can create just one automatically.

Also, it should allow starting off from different templates (obvious, I guess).

I know it’s super easy to manually create additional notes. But I feel, having the daily note feature would be handy.


I thought I was the only want who wanted to treat personal and work notes separately. Creating two different vaults doesn’t seem like an option to me.

Periodic plugin can do that, but it’s the beta version. U can install it via BRAT plugin

Using Templater it should be easy to setup two different templates for either option. And then you could link those templates together either through a template with a suggester choosing either option connected to the open daily notes command, and/or connected to their respective folders.

Not sure if you’ve used Obsidian lately, but I had a similar use case where I wanted a daily folder with multiple notes within it (for multiple check-ins throughout a day) — using this ‘Date format’ in the core Daily Note plugin worked for me: MMM DD, YYYY / HH[h] mm. I know this isn’t exactly what you had in mind, but maybe it opens up a different line of thinking for your setup!

Someone else posted about a case that’s closer to yours — having two or more topical daily notes. Not sure if it’s a more convenient solution for you than just going manual as you mention, but here’s their post.

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