Allow disabling large file optimizations to allow Markdown within HTML blocks

Use case or problem

Currently Markdown blocks within HTML blocks are not parsed, as an optimization to handle large files. However, this makes it cumbersome to use e.g. <details>/<summary> HTML tags.

Proposed solution

Obsidian should use a treshold file size for toggling its large file optimizations: only when a file’s size is above the treshold, would the large file optimizations be enabled. However, Obsidian should still allow the optimizations to be disabled.
Compare this with VS Code, for example: when opening a large file, it notifies that some features are unavailable due to the large file size. But the user is still able to forcefully enable the features:

VS Code

Current workaround (optional)

Foldable callouts have been proposed as an alternative, but these are neither valid CommonMark nor recognized by VS Code’s parser. (And in a semantic sense “callouts” are kind of the opposite of “details”.)

Related feature requests (optional)


Good reference to a competing markdown editor. Really a well-written feature request