I’m trying to setup .obsidian_mobile on my phone. I want it to start as a copy of my .obsidian config. However the mobile version claims I have zero Plugins.
Things I have tried
Halt obsidian on my phone
Copy the whole .obsidian folder to .obsidian_mobile
Restart obsidian
Obsidian still claims there are no plugins
In your settings, did you remember to go to Files & Links → Override config folder → and enter the new name there?
.obsidian_mobile is an example from the docs suggestion a custom name you can choose. But you still have to point to it (as far as I understand, it isn’t a built-in name like .obsidian)
Have you looked in your vault to make sure you only have the two .obsidian_mobile and .obsidian directories? I’ve had friends who’ve had a spelling error, and a third version was present. Obsidian will create the override folder if it isn’t present to start with.
Do you see your plugin files in your .obsidian_mobile directory when you browse it with a file explorer type application? Maybe they didn’t copy over because the directory already existed since you changed your override folder prior to copying it from your .obsidian directory. Maybe your copy created a modified name like .obsidian_mobile1
Don’t know what went wrong but I started again and it’s working now. I call that a win.
Some details if anyone else runs into this problem.
I dumped the vault on my phone
On my desktop I changed the settings folder to .obsidian_mobile. This worked fine. I changed all the settings to what I want on my phone.
Then I re-cloned the vault onto my phone. FWIW I have a lot of trouble with obsidian-git on my phone so I turn it off and use a 3rd party git utility: MGit. Desktop obsidian-git has been working seamlessly for over a year! Thank you Vinzent03!