All of a sudden none of my vaults are opening

For about the last 20 minutes I’ve been having issues with the app giving me the following error whenever I open any of my vaults:

Things I have tried

  • Reloading Obs with the button on the screenshot
  • closing and reopening through the Start Menu
  • restarting my computer

System Info

  • Windows 11 24H2
  • Obs version 1.8.3

Hi Sam,

This might be of some assistance

Obsidian 1.8.3 was just released today. Maybe one of your plugins is uphappy with the update. You could try

  • updating your plugins
  • disabling your plugins. If that solves your issue, enable them one-by-one until something fails so you can identify the offending plugin.
  • you might need to rebuild your vault cache. (Settings → Files and links → Rebuild vault cache)
  • you might try moving your .obsidian folder someplace out of your vault and seeing if things start working. If so, it’s something in your vault configuration.

Just some stuff I’d try if I was in your position.

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