All Callout Styles for Reference

The documentation of Callouts doesn’t show all styles; it just lists them. I found myself repeatedly trying out different types, so I made this reference note. I think this will be helpful to many.

MD File: (338 Bytes)



I have done exactly the same thing, but thanks for sharing.


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Thank you!

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What theme has callouts looking like that?

The default and minimal themes have few colors so most of the callouts look the same, making them uselss.

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Did you manage to find out what theme he’s using? It looks certainly good.

It’s not necessarily from a theme, from what I can see :blush:

The default callouts have been redesigned at some point in time, when Obsidian’s default theme was also refreshed :blush: .
As this topic is from 2022, this could perfectly just be the “old” callout we had with the “old” theme :smile:

Maybe this CSS snippet could help you: Callout styling - Old callouts

FYI you can also use Callout Manager to see a list of all callouts, as well as customize their icons/colors/etc, and add your own custom callouts :slight_smile:

And I also sometimes use the “List callout for quickly insert” command from Personal Assistant if I want to more quickly see a styled dropdown list of available callouts!

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