+1 This would be great and eliminate so much friction. I have abandoned looking at “unlinked mentions” altogether because creating inflection-aliases for them to be even remotely reliable creates such a balloon of nonsense-work.
Maybe this very clunky workaround might save just a little time:
With the plugin GitHub - mrjackphil/obsidian-text-expand: A simple text expand plugin for Obsidian.md by @mrjackphil you can “print” the results of the default search into a note using (as an example, there are different options for creating lists):
$link $searchresult
So you can enter the word stem as the search term, “print” the results with all the inflections, and then copy/paste the different inflections as aliases into the YAML section of your target note.
I have also suggested a plugin for quickly adding aliases without leaving the current note: Create alias from selected text in target note frontmatter - #3 by sonsche