Like [[MacOS]] [[macOS]] [[Mac OS]], all link to single page.
Espcially very uerful for some use two language like me, [[MacOS]] [[苹果电脑操作系统]].
Anyone need this?
You can already do [[Actual Name | Alias]]. This way if I want to just say ‘Turing’ in my note but link to ‘Alan Turing’, I can put [[Alan Turing | Turing]].
But in this way, you still use one keywords.
What I really needed is when I taking notes, I could ignore the language problem, but when I click [[苹果]] it can jump to [[Apple]], and if I write “苹果” without [[]], It will show in Unlinked metions automatically, not manually set alias in every notes.
Maybe it can’t be implemented in a plugin, and user can config their custom keywords map,
like this: {“MacOS”: [“macOS”, “mac OS”, “苹果操作系统”]}
I think this is very essential for bilingual note takers, it gets very confusing to try and remember wich language a certain link is in when you don’t usually think of it that way
You’re right. I’ve only recently used Obsidian so haven’t started putting notes in other languages yet.
It would be great if you could implement that dictionary format within the “MacOS” note, sort of like an internal tag. This way you don’t have to think about putting all the aliases when you first link the keyword.
Yes I agree that it’s needed. For tracking purposes, here are 2 other places where this request has been made:
archving this since it is a duplicate