Aggregated table views of notes connected via indirect connected notes

In a note sytem wich consist of diffferent type of notes each in its own folder.

  1. customer/
  2. customer/
  3. case/
  4. daily/ (metadata with backlink to case)

Different cases are associated with different customers. In each case_note there is always a matadata field caseno with backlink to the case. Customer and persons may by references by backlinks in a case_notes.

Things I have tried

for persons the following simple dataview table.

TABLE customer
FROM [[]]
GROUP BY caseno

What I’m trying to do

  1. in a case note I want an aggregated table of alle persons which has been mentioned in case_notes
  2. In a person note I want to aggregate cases or customers a person has been associated with in a table view.

I think I got the first one right now.
btw. the files is in a Person folder.

FROM [[]]
GROUP BY filter(file.outlinks, (o) => contains(o.file.folder, "Persons")) as persons

I think I got them.
btw. the files is in a Person folder.

FROM [[]]
WHERE filter(file.outlinks, (o) => contains(o.file.folder, "Persons")) as persons
GROUP BY filter(file.outlinks, (o) => contains(o.file.folder, "Persons")) as persons
table as "link", rows.type as "type"
from [[]]
GROUP BY filter(file.outlinks, (o) => contains(o.file.folder, "sager")) as sager

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