Advantages of Obsidian over a Wiki?

I am new to Obsidian and need a very good reason or even better, several very good reasons to switch from my Wiki.js to Obsidian.

On one hand side I like the simplicity of files in a folder and the graph.
On the other hand side it’s just single user solution.

I have a Wiki.js installation which I really like, but updating the Docker containers are a distraction.
The wiki is a remnant of a small company with some employees we ran. As I only use it alone now, multi user is not that important anymore, but might be again in future.
Hence, I am reluctant to abandon the Wiki just for the graph view.

Do you know some reasons, why I should switch except from the graph and everything is local?

Thanks for your ideas!

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I don’t think switching only for the graph view is a good idea. You want to switch because of the workflow that is seamless and elegant. For your information, I run a “wiki” for my lab, that is a bunch of markdown files hosted on git-hub. We can navigate it and edit it right inside git-hub, but for bigger changes, I pull the repository locally and use Obsidian to edit it. Just be sure to configure Obsidian to use relative files in links, and markdown links []() instead of wiki links [[]]. Best of both worlds.


‘Publish’ is a multi-user service I believe.