Advanced Slides - Presentation with molecules and reactions

Hi everyone ! I am trying to move to Advanced Slides for my day to day presentations. However, I keep struggling with the production of chemical formula and the use of the other plugins in the presentations.

For example: in Obsidian I am using chem plugin and smiles codes in order to generate molecules and reactions, one example:

C1CCCCC1 ```

My main problem is that Advanced Slides is not rendering any of these molecules. I only fulfill to have basic reactions using $$, like:

$$\ce{H2O + CO2 → H2CO3}$$

But, I did not find any way for other types of formula with complete structures, without using a picture. It is so cool to be able to directly write code to have a chemical structures in Obsidian … If anyone has an advice, it would be wonderful.

Thanks !


Idk if this will help, but Advanced Slides is no longer in active development. There’s now an actively developed fork by Erin Schnabel called Slides Extended. obsidian://show-plugin?id=slides-extended

Synchronicity is right. Advanced slides is a abandoned plugin… still, It’s yet working.

By the way, I don’t have any problems to load your formulae in Advanced slides:

Maybe you’ve forgot to purge some HTML tags from your note, which hinders mathjax to compile.

Thanks Synchronicity and Jopp. Thanks for the information on advanced slides …

Yes, it is possible to show a basic equation using advanced slides or marp plugin and $$. I was looking for a way to do presentation using the chem plugin, which directly interpret a smiles code like C1CCCCC1 into a chemical structure … It would be really helpful. It is really great in basic notes !

Just another information: I am now using marp plugin which works great.

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