Advanced Graph View Filtering for Orphan Files

Description: It would be incredibly useful to extend the filtering options in Obsidian’s Graph View to allow for more complex and granular queries. Specifically, I’d like the ability to:

Combine -linked (orphan file filter) with other filters, such as filename or tag. Example: -linked filename:book would let me isolate orphan files with “book” in their name and color them separately.

Assign unique colors to orphan files based on these refined filter conditions.

Current Limitation: While the grouping feature lets me create filters like filename:book and -linked, they can’t be combined to specifically color or highlight orphan files with additional criteria. This makes managing and visualizing specific orphan files in the Graph View challenging for larger vaults with diverse content.

Proposed Solution:
Enable users to combine multiple filters in Graph View queries (e.g., -linked AND filename:book).
Allow dynamic coloring of files based on such combined queries.

Use Case: As someone managing a large vault, I often have orphan notes that relate to specific projects or subjects (e.g., “book”). It would be helpful to instantly identify and distinguish these from other orphan files in the Graph View. This feature would improve organization and make the graph more insightful.

Additional Thoughts: This enhancement could also apply to other Graph View filters, enabling advanced customization and filtering for all nodes.