A question,
What would be the easiest way to automatically add the date to each new Note?
A question,
What would be the easiest way to automatically add the date to each new Note?
You can use the Template plugin. The {{date}}
placeholder is expanded upon insertion.
Or you can use some third-part app that does text expansion, such as Keyboard Maestro, Alfred or Espanso.
None of the methods is fully automatic. You still need to manually insert the template or trigger a shortcut.
I believe I’ll write such a plugin. I really need it.
I was thinking about adding it as metadata such as:
title: Metadata about what we write is really important
date: 10/11/2020
modified: 21/11/2020
All the contents of the note
But I ignore if there is some standard way of doing this, or what are good names for the dates for instance.
Any ideas on this?
Obsidian supports YAML frontmatter, so I think it’s a good choice. As for the plug-in, that’s out of my league, but I’ll probably use it when someone makes it
In the end, I wrote the functionality in a plugin
you can find it in Obsidian, it’s called Markdown Prettifier
it allows you to setup a template and will add or modify the date each time you ‘prettify’ your note.
Awesome. I’m on my way!
I’ve used only a small portion of its features yet, but it’s working great. Thanks again.
The “daily notes” core plugin adds some of that functionality AND Templates allows for some date formatting of your choosing AND the Zettelkasten plugin can add a file title with the full date down to the hours and minute if that is of use to you.
I have not had much use for that at the moment but it was nice to see how many options are available for that.
What do you use?
I just installed your plugin, but can’t get it to work. I thought invoking the hotkey should add a YAML frontmatter to the current file if one is missing. But nothing happens when I try. What am I missing?
I’ve been using a template with nothing but
There’s a key mapping for inserting a template, which mean you can insert the date wherever you like in your notes. This has worked well for me.
Assuming you have enabled the plugin in Obsidian Settings > Third Party Plugins…
Double-check that the following two settings are enabled in Obsidian Settings > Plugin Options for Markdwon prettifier: create header, and update header.
Then use Ctrl Alt L to create the frontmatter within a note, and Ctrl Alt O to update existing frontmatter.
Activated in all places – but when I remapped the hotkeys it worked. Thanks.
I was looking for such a date stamping feature. I found that if i click on the three little dots in the upper right (More Options) and then look toward the bottom of the list, I can click on “view sync version history”. It shows a date that I’m assuming is the note creation date.
But I will go back to my long established habit of adding it myself i.e." 221217" like I’ve done on Evernote for 10 years.