Add predefined values to multi-select PROPERTIES

What I’m trying to do

I’m trying to set predefined values for property tipe “List”. As I usually used to do in Notion (i.e. I selected a property as “multiselect” and then I could set all the possible values for that property).
The issue I’m seeing, is that I couldn’t set predefined values for this property, but I have to choose between the already created values for it. This means I couldn’t set all the possible selectable values at once (to choose afterwards which ones correspond to the new notes), but I have to assign them as I create the notes.

For example, “NoteType” is a list type property here, and I want to set all the possible values this property could have

Is that possible without setting the values in prior notes?. Since I want to think and set all the possibles values at once.

Things I have tried

I’ve tried to search for options to set predefined values for list type properties on the “All properties” menu, but I don’t see anything related to this.

May be someone of you know a workaround to do so, I would like to know which if so. May be something like a template of possible list values for certain properties.

I don’t think the behavior you want is possible without a plugin, but as a semi-workaround you can just create a note with all of your list properties and all of the possible values to the properties in that note.


Thanks for your reply. Do you know which plugin could be suitable for such a behaviour?

I’ve find the solution: “Metadata Menu” plugin. You have to go to Options>Global Settings>Preset Field settings and from there you can set predefined values for properties.

Seems like a super powerful plugin besides this option. There’s some great tutorials in youtube about how to set it up in case you have issues with it, like this one

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