Add option to enable/disable frameless mode (re-open)

Requesting to re-open this request: Add option to enable/disable frameless mode - #27 by dhniceday

It was closed with “Will be implemented in v0.16.” which in the release notes says:

  • By default, the UI is now in Frameless mode. The window title is hidden. In settings, you can choose between the new frameless mode, the custom window frame (old default), and using the native OS window frame.

But this is not anywhere in the settings after looking everywhere. (Or is this a bug?)

you didn’t look everywhere. Settings>Appearance.

The only options I see under Settings > Appearance:

  • Base theme
  • Theme
  • Translucent window
  • Font
  • CSS snippets


are you using version 0.16.x?!?

v0.15.9. Arch linux package

debug info:

Obsidian version: v0.15.9
Installer version: v0.15.9
Operating system: #1 SMP Tue, 20 Sep 2022 11:17:28 +0000 5.15.69-1-lts
Login status: not logged in
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: dark
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on


oh sorry I’m really dumb for thinking this was an older version without checking mine. Cannot math today

That’s your answer. 0.16.x is in beta and is currently available to Catalyst members.

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