Hello, I stumbled upon Obsidian few days ago, and it seems very appealing application. But I’m already using August Bradley’s “LifeOS”-with Notion, and I’m wondering if it could be adapted to Obsidian. I find the idea of locally stored text-files to be an appealing proposition, compared to nebulous proprietary database running in the cloud. And Notion is a bit sluggish at times.
For overview of August Bradley’s system (there are tons of other videos dealing with individual aspects as well): Intro & Overview of Pillars, Pipelines & Vaults – Notion Life Operating System - YouTube
Now, as that system is built around features of Notion, it’s unreasonable to expect completely different application with different goals and philosophy to fit it 100%. But I wonder if core features could be implemented. Maybe not perfectly, but well enough.
For example: I use Notion for task-management. Each day I check my tasks, and the tasks are connected to projects (not all, as there are standalone tasks), and projects are then connected to one or more longer-term life goals.
Another example: I use Notion for personal daily tracking, like weight and amount of sleep. That data is fed in to weekly tracking, which calculates average for the week, which is then fed in to monthly tracking. And so forth. This makes it easy to track trends in the data.
And I have my notes and knowledge, which can be linked to tasks, projects and life goals.
Some might be asking “Obsidian is designed for knowledge-management, why would you want to use it for task-management?”. That’s a reasonable question. Reason is that “Knowledge”, “tasks”, “goals” and “personal tracking” are in many ways interlinked and in some ways, the same. So if I wanted to use Obsidian to manage my knowledge (something Obsidian excels at), I would still like to connect that knowledge to other aspects of my life (like tasks, goals and personal tracking).
Notion doesn’t really excel at any individual thing. There are way better task-management apps out there (like Things or Omnifocus, for example), and there are way better apps for notes/knowledge out there (like Obsidian, duh!). But its advantage is that it can combine all of those so that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
I know that Obsidian supports transclusion (quoting parts of other notes), so that could be used to move entries from daily notes to a weekly note, and I could always calculate averages by hand. But how far can this be taken? If I had a “weekly note”, would I have to bring the data from “daily notes” of the week in manually (either typing them in or using transclusion)?
Has anybody tried to do something like this? I know there are people out there using Obsidian for their task-management, but I was wondering if people are using it for their “life management”.