About Quarto "No inspectable targets" error

I began to use Quarto generate pdf files one or two months ago. It works well until I encountered “ERROR: No inspectable targets” today. Following are relevant info

  • Operating system: Windows 11 with vscode with quarto 1.2.280
  • Works well to generate html files but fails in generating pdf files
  • It seems that problem arose in generating mermaid and dot diagrams because it works well after I delete relevant parts.

It is a strange error because I don’t modify any relevant setting recently. Much thanks for your help.

This is probably an issue with recent Chrome browser version. You can follow along at

Using chromium binary you can install with quarto install tools chromium should work. This require Quarto v1.3 latest pre-release

We are looking into the issue.

Also for Quarto issue, best is to report in Quarto repo as issue or even question in discussion board (quarto-dev/quarto-cli · Discussions · GitHub · GitHub)

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