I have created a workaround. I created in each folder a file (this is optional “with the name of the folder”). To find a folder I do the next steps. First I use CTRL+SHIFT+F to do a search. Than I type “path:” + a unique part of the folder name. Than I have to do 6 Obsidian Hotkeys and I use 1 plugin. To make this easy. I have created a multiple action button on my Stream Deck.
System: Hotkey Select First Search Result = Arrow Down
System: Hotkey Open Note = ENTER
System: Hotkey Collapse all folders = plugin = ALT+C
System: Hotkey Reveal in File Navigation = CTRL+R
System: Hotkey Focus on pane to the right = ALT+P
System: Hotkey Close Open File = CTRL+W
It works as the folders are in the visible part of the screen. But otherwise I still have to use the mouse to scroll to the folder. But you see witch one it is as it is the only one that is open.
It is not perfect as it only works on my PC and Mac but not on mobile. Maybe I can try with shortcuts on my iPhone.
Does anyone now a better solution? The best of course would be as this would be integrated as a core feature in Obsidian or in a plugin.