Ability to Name / Rename starred searches

There are 2 workarounds that i currently use


  • turn on the workspace core plugin
  • save the workspace including the search pane and search condition.
  • load that workspace any time when you need, it will give the search result as well.

The drawback is that the pane you were editing will/may go away when a different workspace is loaded.


  • Using query command and store a specific search/query in a note with meaningful name
  • open that note will give you the search/query result that you want.
  • pin the note and it can be used as same as the search pane.

+1 My searches arent extremely complicated, but I do have to loose time reading them to know what they mean.

The current Starred core plugin is going to be replaced by a Bookmarks one which will address this request.

No details in the announcement, but: Obsidian Release v1.2.0 (Insider build)


I think you’ll be satisfied. In Bookmarks :star_struck:, query naming looks like this:


@CawlinTeffid @ariehen Thank you, that looks great!

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