A way to count files in a folder on iOS/iPadOS?

When hovering the pointer over a folder on Obsidian for macOS, I get a file count for that folder. Is there a way to get an equivalent count of files in a folder on Obsidian for iOS/iPadOS?

Things I have tried

  • touching the folder icon
  • pressing the folder icon
  • swiping
  • looking at the pop up menu
  • looking at the Obsidian help files
  • searching this forum
  • searching the internet

What I’m trying to do

  • get a file count within a folder on iOS

Try if the plugin “File Explorer Count” works in mobile apps.

Thanks for your immediate reply @mnvwvnm. After I posted this it occurred to me to search the community plug-ins (I normally try to rely on core functionality). i found the plug-in you mention and , though it appears to do the job, it doesn’t count all the files.

Should I infer from your suggestion that a specific folder file count is not yet part of the mobile apps’ core functionality?

I’m starting to use the obsidian mobile app. For now my experience is sparse.
But I didn’t find that feature.
Indeed, it’s seems the touching features aren’t yet perfect, far from the hover functions in desktop app. For example, how to trigger the page preview on hover?

Since I wrote my post above, I found that the File Explorer Count plug-in does not count all the files that Obsidian counts: it counts far less, so even at the top (vault) level, where the Obsidian mobile apps do give a file count, the (accurate) number quoted by Obsidian is a good deal higher than that quoted by FEC (I have therefore edited my previous post to reflect this, and uninstalled FEC.)

What I am trying to do is to find out why the total vault file count on my iPad does not match the total on my other devices. I am using Obsidian Sync and wanted to see if any files are missing on iPad, or duplicated everywhere else. It appears that this exploration will have to wait.

About FEC, you need to verify the plugin settings:

Thank you for pointing that out @mnvwvnm! I had not tried the settings page.

Unfortunately, FEC does not allow me to switch off the ‘Show Only Markdown Notes’ option on iOS nor iPadOS (the switch stays ‘on’ and does not move) so, again, FEC will not work the way I need it to.

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