A variable that is the note's topic

What I’m trying to do

I want to know if there is a variable that can be referred in queries or task queries that is the name of the note in question

not done
priority highest
description includes %%Note Name%%

The reason is I have a note per person I interact with an I have multiple queries that are run against that person to extract all relevant information and transactions I am involved with that person.

At the moment, when I set up a person I have to manually adjust the parameters of each query one at a time. It would be lovely to just reference the %%notename%%.

I use templates for this. For example, I create a note with an author name then insert this template, which uses template parameters to populate the data view

created: {{date:YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss}}
modified: {{date:YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss}}
title: {{title}}
  - meta/People/authors

## Content

## Books

WHERE contains(author, "{{title}}")