A terminal in obsidian


Obsidian is a wonderful tool. It would be even more so if I had access to a terminal directly from Obsidian (a bit like Rstudio).


It is a great idea! It would be also cool if Obsidian had plugin compatibility with Visual Studio Code (if possible), because in that way we could have built-in interpreters, awesome vim integration and many more, which would provide beautiful tool for learning programming and taking programming notes.

One alternative might be to use iTerm2 and setup a “Quake” menu linked to a hotkey. Then whenever you press something like Alt+' (i.e. the option key plus the single-quote key), a terminal drops down from the top (like in the game Quake) and you can interact with it. Once you’re done, press the hotkey again to dismiss it or just click anywhere outside the terminal window.

Taking this approach, it feels like having “Terminal” embedded in every app because it is just a quick keystroke away.

Disclaimer: YMMV! I’m a software developer so this might seem like an easy option for those who are tech-savvy but not so easy for those who aren’t.


I very much support this, having it directly in Obsidian.

To add, it would be nice if it syncs the current directory maybe with the directory of the opened file, or at least of the vault.

This is one issue with having such global terminal, which usually does not sync automatically to the current directory.

Related is also: Command Line Interface to open files/folders in Obsidian from the terminal

So when you operate inside the terminal, you can easily open files.

Other things I would usually do in the terminal: Commit changes to Git, rename files, move files, etc.

It’s probably too late, but leaving a plugin that does the requested thing exactly here for anyone looking: Plugin: Terminal - integrated terminals in Obsidian