A Request From A Mac User

Hey there,

I use the apple ecosystem and so I have Hook for macOS installed on my macs, it links between folders, files, and others of apps to each other so that you can do more inclusive and more immersive research with a better experience. Long story short, there is no support for obsidian, and I don’t know how many people use both hook and obsidian, I want to ask the devs about integrations with other apps and if it is possible?

I have already contacted the creators of hook via email to suggest obsidian for them to integrate or work on an integration next. They recommended on their website reaching out to the app community and the team to ask for the integration or the ability of the integration.

this is the list of apps integrated with hook: https://hookproductivity.com/what-mac-apps-are-compatible-with-hook-app

and this is their website: https://hookproductivity.com/

Thanks a lot.


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