A plugin for callouts so users can edit the contents like normal

It can be really uncomftorable to click the contents of a callout, and it swap to the mode with the > sign on every line. Especially as deleting it doesn’t stop it from being part of the callout. IE, i really don’t understand why a user is forced to edit the text in that mode.

Instead, i would like it so when a user clicks the content text of a callout, they can edit it like they would any other text. With the callout still staying intact.

However, if the title bar of the callout is clicked, it can still go to the special callout edit mode. This plugin recommendation is only for the callout’s content text, as it’s obvious one usually needs to edit the markdown of the title bar to change a callout type. That said, it could be an option to also edit the title like normal as well. This would leave no way to change the callout type, but not be a problem when combined with other already existing plugins that already allow users to change a callout type without editing it.

As it is, clicking a callout text to edit makes all the text move because the line spacing is diffrent in the > mode anyway. So this would also fix this issue. But more then that, it would be visually pleasing to work with.


Do agree with this. Current callout functionality to copy paste stuff within callout is none existent

+1 for this plugin / feature

Instead of using >

It should utlize ``` instead like codeblock alias for callout alias with the diff subtypes

Ex :

{ info within }


I would love this to be in Obsidian core so much. Like I know Admonition syntax does help a little bit with the ease of not writing > but there is no syntax highlighting for code or math and spellcheck is also out of the window. My work around is basically untoggle the callout content, edit it to my liking then toggle everything again. A little bit tedious but it keeps me sane. I would love this to be a reality. :bowing_woman:

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Fully agree with the OP. Callouts reminds me the “old tables” which consisted in pipe symbols and hyphens.
So yeah, also callouts need a visual editor to become user friendly, like the new tables GUI, introduced in Obsidian v1.5.

Because to edit callouts as “source text” like in the current implementation is a difficult task, if you’ve a lot of lines in your callout.

I loved J. Valentine’s Admonition plugin too, rendering a callout within a code block is so death simple to setup yet quick to edit.
Later I switched because I didn’t want to dependent on plugins for callouts.
I would prefer Valentine’s code block syntax as well, but I’m sure obsidian devs will keep “>”.

The best way to insert callouts now, is to use Obsidians hotkeys to insert callouts (and add this as button with plugins like Commander) and once the default callout is rendered, right-click on your callout to switch symbol and color.
The context menu then, could be improved and display default callouts in the main column, instead to put callouts in a sub-menu. :neutral_face:

Currently, I’m only missing “remove text from callouts” as a shortcut to remove text from callouts

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I think it would be difficult for a plugin to override the default live-preview editing behavior of calllouts. How would you feel about a modal to edit them?

Like you right click a callout and there’s an option to edit which opens a modal to change the type, title, and content. The latter two inputs could be full live-preview markdown editors. How’s that sound?

If the modal render the markdown, latex, embed, image etc… As Obsidian, it could be the best solution (at last for me!).

Unfortunately I don’t have the time to work on this and I never worked on type view ;(. But I’m sure it’s possible!

I’ve written a CSS snippet to kinda handle this. It isn’t perfect, and you cannot fold, but it provides me some nice utility.

I can shared this snippet if interested. Not a plugin, and not 100% the functionality, but its close.

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