You might be able to achieve this with just markdown depending on your theme. In the Blue Tapaz theme, I can write something like…
![[emoji.jpg#right|Caption Text]] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque suscipit nulla justo, non pharetra urna pretium vitae. Sed vel orci mi. Mauris egestas odio a suscipit finibus. Donec ipsum metus, volutpat ut lectus in, dignissim blandit quam.
2.3.15 Images:
Intro to Basic Image Position: You can add
- |Left (can also use left, LEFT or L to replace the Left before),
- |Right (right/RIGHT/R)
- |Inline (inline/INLINE/inl/INL/Inl)
- |Centre/Center (CENTRE/CENTER/centre/center/C) (the “centre” one is for the “Obsidian Default Image Position above only, because Topaz’s default image position is in the centre) into a image format to adjust the image position, e.g.
Intro to Image Caption: You can add
- #Left|your captions (can also use left, LEFT or L to replace the Left),
- #Right (or right/RIGHT/R)|your captions,
- #center/centre (CENTRE/CENTER/Center/Centre/C) |your captions and
- #inl (Inline/INLINE/inline/INL/Inl) |your captions into a image format to adjust the image position with a image caption, e.g.
Intro to Image Grid: You can add
- |+grid into some images to grid these images in a line, e.g. Or type
cssclass:img-grid:exclamation: in YAML to make images arrange in a grid in the preview mode.