I can very much relate to these pain points in my own Vault. I’ve been a heavy user of Day One for a little more than a decade now, and while I use Drafts[1] as the front-end quick-entry input for almost everything that winds up there or in my Vault, I’ve also been working up some Keyboard Maestro macros to streamline the process of pulling journal entries from my Daily Notes pages into Day One.
Dataview quickly complicated matters, simply because Day One had no idea what to do with it.[2] My Daily Notes Pages go as far back as 2005, since I exported all of my old LiveJournal entries, and at hundreds of journal entries each year, the manual labor involved in deleting all those code fences was just too much.
That being said, I still use Dataview! As many posters have pointed out, it does what it does very well, especially as Obsidian has embraced YAML/Properties. My compromise has been to simply sequester all of my Dataview snippets and queries into their own notes in a dedicated “Dataviews” folder of my Vault that I can then embed wherever I need them in other notes.
I endeavor to keep the notes themselves as clean and plaintext as I can in the event I want to work with them via another client such as iA Writer or Bear and this approach treats all my Dataview tables and queries as simple block embeds. “Hover Preview” might even make the embedding optional.
In any case, there’s no wrong way to eat a Reese’s, and if more of us understood RegEx, our plain text lives would be a lot more manageable.