Figure: Zettelkasten Use Case Diagram with PlantUML
You may use many lines of text to describe your principles for using Zettelkasten. With PlantUML [1] [2] it is easy to draw beautiful UML diagrams [3] to do the same job.
Here is my first draft to show some of the “12 Zettelkasten Principles” [4]. I’ve also integrated the already mentioned “ARCO Framework” [5], which helps to create some useful views on your notes.
[1] PlantUML. “Open-Source Tool That Uses Simple Textual Descriptions to Draw Beautiful UML Diagrams.”
[2] Theiner, Johannes. “Joethei/Obsidian-Plantuml.” GitHub - Generate PlantUML Diagrams inside
[3] Booch, Grady, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson. The Unified Modeling Language User Guide. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley, 2005.
[4] Obsidian Forum. 12 Principles For Using Zettelkasten
[5] Obsidian Forum. ARCO Framework