Zotero best practices

Sorry that I just created another post to introduce related methods, now I introduce it again here.

In Obsidian 0.8.15, you can use URL scheme to jump to specific note.

So I share a geek way to achieve something interesting with you.

First of all, I am using pdf X-change editor plus, Zotero, Quicker(a software like autohotkey but has a GUI)

Jump from Obsidian to pdf

  1. Select what you want to save in Obsidian.
  2. Copy it and use pdf X-change editor plus to get the file path of what you are reading, capture its zotero’s library parameters(like G78UAI9B) by using autohotkey or any software you want.
  3. Get the page number of the text you selected.
  4. Then insert the library parameters & page number into the link(like: zotero://open-pdf/library/items/G78UAI9B?page=9).
  5. You can make similar text like follow.
  6. Paste it in you obsidian note. Ctrl+E, You could jump from your note to pdf now.

Jump from pdf to Obsidian

  1. Get the URL link of your note.
  2. Add a web link to the text you selected in your pdf.
  3. Paste the URL link of your note in it. Click it, you could jump from pdf to your note now.

PS: If anyone find a better way to do these, please share it with me. Thanks.
PPS: The official website of Quicker software I use is https://getquicker.net, and its free version does not require login, so you can try to use it.
The script I use is:

  1. pdf to OB
  2. OB to pdf

Sorry that I didn’t add a English translation to their introduction.

A geek gif as follow:

link: Combine Zotero with Obsidian (Jump from pdf to Obsdian’s note)