Zoom into Headers like most Outliners do with bullets

The amazing @mrjackphil created the Header Zoom functionality and has fixed a few bugs and now it is working exactly like I was hoping! It is not in the official community plugins but you can manually install it from here: https://github.com/mrjackphil/obsidian-zoom-in-headers/releases/latest


  1. Download from here: https://github.com/mrjackphil/obsidian-zoom-in-headers/releases/latest
  2. Download these 3 files (screenshot): main.js, manifest.json, and style.css
  3. Create a folder (name it anything) in your vault > .obsidian > plugins folder. I called it “Zoom Headers”.
  4. Copy the 3 downloaded files from step 2 above to this new folder.
  5. Open obsidian and you should see it in the list of installed Community Plugins. Just flip it on to enable it.
  6. Optional: Turn on the setting for “Ctrl + Click” so it only zooms when you are holding ctrl/cmd on click.