Window size increases by a few pixels

Every time I start Obsidian, the window size increases by a few pixels.
How does it work in your environment?

"Vaults folder ID".json in %APPDATA%\obsidian folder
If you check this, you will see that the “width” and “height” values increase every time Obsidian exits.

The problem occurs when the window is not maximized.

Here’s what the environment looks like
Obsidian 0.13.19 / Windows 11 Build 22000.376


can you post a screen recording of your whole screen while this is happening?

Thanks for the reply!

I’ve attached the MP4 file.
When I repeatedly start and close Obsidian
The size of the window is gradually increasing

At the same time, the [Width] and [Height] value in the JSON file is also increasing. (686.7 KB)

identified the cause of the problem.
I hope you can reproduce this in your environment.

How to Reproduce

Windows Settings > Accessibility > Text size

  • If the text size is changed from 100% to
    When you exit Obsidian, the “width” and “height” value in the JSON file seems to change.

  • If the text size is 100%
    The value in the JSON file will not be changed.