Wikipedia-style Infobox Plugin

Thanks for the replies :slight_smile:

I just realised that I can achieve half of what I want with CSS.

By turning off the display of specific property fields/keys. (Or rather, turning off all data-property-keys, then manually choosing which to turn back on). And then I bind this snippet to a hotkey using the Snippet Commands plugin.

The Prism theme has nice Properties appearance.


  • adding a new property can sometimes be finicky - could switch to source mode.
  • order of properties is as per the text in the note, so “up” and “related” properties are not prioritised at the top of the list.
  • no image display
  • currently poor native obsidian handling of wikilink style links in the properties frontmatter [this style link](
  • related to above, the Auto Link Fetcher plugin doesn’t function in properties Provide support for Obsidian 1.4 new Frontmatter · Issue #82 · zolrath/obsidian-auto-link-title · GitHub
  • needs testing in obsidian publish

Click here to go to the full CSS custom styling - GitHub

  • the basic turn off/on property keys is in the css below

    display: none;
    ) {
        display: inherit;

without the snippet, all properties are shown:

with the snippet and Prisum theme, the properties are cleaned up, “up” and “related” properties are large, and the last two “test property” properties are hidden

@holroy : thanks for the info re partially loading on big pages. I certainly wouldn’t want it to be as fragile like you think it may be.

@hu4d : thanks for the input. I am sorry, I must not have adequately described my idea, because that was not what I was seeking. Thanks anyway!

thanks to Prism