Where in style settings space before bullet list

Hi guys,

Where in “Style Settings” plugiun, or anywhere else in the obsidian app, can i control/remove this blank area that happens before my bullet list begins? I have looked for almost an hour now and i can’t find it…


There is no setting in Obsidian or the Style Settings to adjust the space between a line and a bullet list, that I know of.

You can however adjust the spacing with a CSS snippet.
See the solution in an older post here

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In addition to what bear13 said, Style Settings will only have options if the theme developer adds them in. You’ll notice there are none using the default theme and what’s available will change depending on what community theme is active.

The older linked snippet with the negative margin still seems to be working. It can be simplified to

.markdown-rendered :is(ul, ol) {
    margin-block-start: -10px;

Another option is:

body {
    --p-spacing-new: 0.2em;

.markdown-rendered p {
    margin-block-end: var(--p-spacing-new);

.markdown-rendered :is(ul, ol) {
    margin-block-start: var(--p-spacing-new);

but this one is going to affect all paragraph margin-bottoms (in addition to margin-tops of all lists).

There’s also most likely a way to select only lists that follow paragraphs, but that will be a more complicated selector.

How to CSS snippets if needed.

Move to the custom CSS category.


Sigh… okay how do i make this happen in every single note that i do?

It’s so frustrating because in EDIT mode, this space is gone. It’s only on reader mode that it appears…

Try one of the CSS snippets above. They will apply to all notes in a vault.